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Tips, Skills, and Drills: Attacking the Basketball

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Video: How to Shoot a Basketball Properly. Watch the video below.

The importance of basketball handling skills cannot be overstated. Whether you are a guard, forward, or center, playing pickup, college, or professionally, ball handling is (and always will be) the most important skill in the game.  With good ball handling the rest of the game comes to you, passing and shooting become natural because the ball is always where you want it. When you don’t have to think about physically holding or dribbling the ball, you will have no problems reading the defense and finding your open teammates.  READ MORE

Playing in pickup games does NOT improve ball handling. Improving your ball handling only comes from ball handling drills. If you were going to learn guitar, you wouldn’t join a band, instead you would practice chords and rhythm at home, so neither should you play basketball to learn the game. One great thing about ball handling is that you can practice at home! Just a few minutes a day will result in huge improvements on the court.



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