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NBA 2K25 Live Response to MyCAREER, NEW HOME BUILDER & The CITY!

★ My Daily TikTok ★.

★ My Daily LIVE STREAM ★.

★ ShakeDown2012 daily on Twitter ★.

★ ShakeDown2012 on Instagram ★.

★ ShakeDown2012 – Xbox Series X.
★ ShakeDownXL – PSN.
★ ShakeDownXL – Steam.

To Send In A Clip For The Top 10 Plays:.
Email: [email protected].

Just how To Send In A Clip!
PS4/PS5 Users: Use Share Factory & Upload to YouTube “Unlisted”.
Xbox Users: Get the YouTube App & Upload to YouTube “Unlisted”.
Xbox Users: Save Clip, Go to https://gameclips.io/ Find & Send me the Link.
Xbox Users: Save Clip, Go to https://xboxclips.co/ Find & Send me the Link.
AVOID Uploading With Your Cell Phone! It Loses the Quality!

To Submit your clip on YouTube:.
1. Submit an HD clip Unlisted (instead of Public or Private).
2. Title it “( Your Name) for ShakeDown2012’s Top 10” ex: “Tim for ShakeDown2012 …” Specify Top 10 Dunks, Blocks, Crossovers etc 3. You can submit greater than one HD clip.
4. Remove the Circle by Holding Pound & RB (L1 or R1) in instant replay.
5. Send out the Clip to [email protected].

TIP: Play it in Regular Motion.
IDEA: Show at the very least 3 angles.
IDEA: XB1, ps4 or pc just.
SUGGESTION: No mobile phone or electronic camera captured footage.
POINTER: No Montages Please. Different your clips.

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