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LIVEšŸ”“| FIBA 3Ɨ3 WomenĀ“s Series Ulaanbaatar Stop 2024 | Day 1

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Donā€™t miss a solitary moment of the thrilling Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where the ideal women basketball players complete in a hectic and interesting layout. Listen to stream and witness the action as it unravels on Finals of the competition, organized by the beautiful city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. # 3x3WS.

2:00 PM Mongolia vs Philippines Pool A.
2:25 PM Austria U23 vs Thailand Pool B.
2:50 PM Ukraine vs Mongolia U23 Pool A.
3:15 PM China U24 vs Austria Pool B.
3:50 PM Philippines vs Mongolia U23 Pool A.
4:15 PM Thailand vs Austria Pool B.
4:40 PM Mongolia vs Ukraine Pool A.
5:05 PM Austria U23 vs China U24 Pool B.
5:40 PM Ukraine vs Philippines Pool A.
6:05 PM China U24 vs Thailand Pool B.
6:30 PM Mongolia U23 vs Mongolia Pool A.
6:55 PM Austria vs Austria U23 Pool B.
UTC +8.
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