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Kobe Bryant’s Best Crossovers of his Career

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Video: Kobe Bryant – The Last Ride. Watch the video below.

The NBA offseason has brought many changes to rosters, coaching staffs, and the list of championship contenders. As we draw closer to opening night, it’s time to move our focus from the potential impact of each offseason event and onto the broader issues that figure to define this season. The BDL 25 takes stock of, uh, 25 key storylines to get you up to speed on where the most fascinating teams, players, and people stand on the brink of 2015-16. READ MORE..


Some legendary athletes announce their retirements before the beginning of their final seasons, creating a de facto farewell tour in which opposing fans and teammates can ritually appreciate their achievements and sometimes even bestow gifts upon them. Los Angeles Lakers icon Kobe Bryant was never going to go out in such a fashion. Since entering the league directly from high school in 1996, Bryant has been consistently defiant, convinced of his own supremacy, and focused on the task in front of him. Whenever he leaves professional basketball, he will do so because he has to, not because he wants to.



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