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Kawhi should join Clippers, talks KD’s decision to leave Warriors — Cuttino Mobley | NBA | THE HERD

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Cuttino Mobley signs up with Colin Cowherd to go over all points NBA. He describes why he would love for Kawhi Leonard to sign up with the Los Angeles Clippers and also breaks down if Kevin Durant will be satisfied with his choice.

#TheHerd #NBA #KawhiLeonard #KevinDurant #Clippers #Warriors

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The Herd with Colin Cowherd is a three-hour sporting activities television and radio reveal on FS1 and also iHeartRadio. Each day, Colin will certainly offer you his authentic, unfiltered viewpoint on the day’s largest sports topics.

Kawhi needs to join Clippers, chats KD’s choice to leave Warriors– Cuttino Mobley|NBA|THE HERD

The Herd with Colin Cowherd

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