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I BROKE My Girlfriends ANKLES 1 vs 1 Basketball…

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Today, me and Iman have gotten a wheel full of the most UNREAL forfeits ranging from food to challenges and if she beats me in these different basketball challenged ill have to go through some not so fun forfeits…

Mini hoop DUNK CONTEST!!!
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el-jRpjHK5k

LONG Shot MINI HOOP Forfeit Challenge!
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DkB5bKvbKs

●Iman https://www.instagram.com/imanawann/

★ Follow me on social media @Jesser ★
●Instagram https://instagram.com/jesser
●Twitter https://twitter.com/jesser

2ND Channel – JSR
► https://www.youtube.com/user/Jesserthelazerhd

► https://t.co/C5k0dr29cQ

●Edited by https://twitter.com/Rickle_Tickle


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