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Chris Paul: Amazing on the Basketball Court

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Video: Career History of Chris Paul. Watch the video below.

2013-14 SEASON:
Appeared in 62 games (all starts) with averages of 19.1 points, 10.7 assists and 2.4 steals in 35.0 minutes per game. • Became the seventh player in NBA history to top 6,000 career assists before the end of his ninth season. • First on the team in assists (10.7) and second in scoring (19.1). • Led the NBA in both assists (10.7) and steals (2.48). Third time he’s accomplished the feat in his career which is the most in NBA history. • Led the NBA in assists per turnover ratio (4.57).  READ MORE


• 17th in the NBA in free throw percentage (85.5%). • Third on the team in double-doubles with 39 and overall is 11th in the NBA in double-doubles.



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