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Broast Of The Week: Kobe Bryant

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In case you live under a rock, Kobe Bryant just played his last NBA game ever, and he fucking killed it. The Black Mamba (Kobe’s nickname, not a sex thing…okay, maybe also a sex thing) had 60 points (the most by any NBA player this season), and went out with a bang. But unlike his rape allegation in 2003, this time it was consensual.

Everyone who is anyone in Hollywood headed to the Staples Center last night to see Kobe’s last game, where the average ticket price was a casual $1,000. The Lakers honored him with a star-studded farewell video before the game began.

And Kobe, who has honestly been shit for this entire season, put up one of the best games of his hall-of-fame-worthy career. Kobe came to the NBA in 1996, before a decent majority of betches were even born or were still in diapers. Since then, he’s been a five-time NBA Champion, two-time NBA finals MVP, and NBA Most Valuable Player. But then he tore his achilles in 2013 and hasn’t been the same.

So while it’s not entirely shocking that he had an incredible final game at Staples Center, it kind of is. 60 fucking points is a big deal.

Which is why he broke Twitter. 5.62 million people tweeted about Kobe Bryant last night, including basically the entire NBA and anyone famous.

Mamba out.


Read more: http://www.betches.com/kobe-bryant-broast-of-the-week

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