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Basketball Paris 2024 Olympics Greece vs Canada & France vs Brazil

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Free 24/7 online stream of Olympic Gamings Basketball Ratings, Standings, Arrange & results

The basketball competitions at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, will be held from 27 July to 11 August 2024. Preliminary 5-on-5 basketball matches will occur at Pierre Mauroy Stadium in Lille, with the final phase organized at the Accor Arena in Paris. Retaining its placement in the program, the 3×3 competitions will certainly be dipped into Place de la Concorde.

Paris 2024 Olympics Men’s competition Groups
Group A: Australia, Greece, Canada and Spain
Group B: France, Germany, Japan and Brazil
Team C: Serbia, South Sudan, Puerto Rico and United States

Paris 2024 Olympics Women’s tournament Groups
Team A: Serbia, Spain, China and Puerto Rico
Group B: Canada, Nigeria, Australia and France
Team C: Germany, United States, Japan and Belgium

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