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100 NBA Players Sign My Basketball!

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This video clip took control of a year to movie, yet it will certainly not dissappoint! I set out on the difficult mission of obtaining 100 NBA players to sign my basketball …

Celebrate this milestone in BKTSQD history and grab your favorite items from the 20 Mil Collection: https://go.bucketsquad.com/20MIL_Jesser With Glacier and Ice Flake shorts, plus a tee and hoodie all with customized 20MIL patches, this decline has our chilliest items ever before. This collection will certainly NOT be restocked, so fire your shot now prior to it’s gone for life!

30 Elite Athletes Compete for $10,000.
► https://youtu.be/z3QHay-8TRs.

I Met 100 NBA Players in 50 Hours.
► https://youtu.be/alDTkiCC738.

Bucketsquad Apparel – https://bucketsquad.com/.

★ Follow me on social media sites @Jesser ★.
● Instagram https://instagram.com/jesser.
● Twitter https://twitter.com/jesser.


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